
Welcome to Azienda Rollo

The company was founded in 1968 when Giovanni Rollo acquired a farmstead with 300 olive trees and 9000 grapevines in the Chiaramonte Gulfi countryside, an area renown for the production of fine oils.
Twenty years later, his son Giorgio, the current owner, took over the reins of the company and decided to uproot the vines and dedicate the land entirely to growing olives.
In 2001 the company certified, ed its first PDO oil, Monti Iblei and the following year it was to bottle it as Extra Virgin PDO Olive Oli Monti Iblei “LETIZIA”

At present the olive groves extend over a total of 21 hectares, with more than 2450 individual trees contributing to an average annual production of 100 hectolitres.
The cornpany stretches out over its hilltop surroundings from altitudes of 320m to 370m above sea level. The olive groves are formed of “Tonda Iblea” plants that account for 90% of the total with “Nocellara Messinese” providing the remaining 10%. They are grown extensively and head-pruned.
The fruit Is hand-picked and cold-milled within 12 hours on continuous cycle machines, and in strict compliance with the standards and regulations governing PDO Monti Iblei production, the “LETIZIA” extra virgin olive oli is thus born.